ISIS – nejtěžsí puzzle na světě

Napsal dne Říj 29, 2008 na Blog, Hry | 4 komentáře

SNV16395ISIS se považuje za (jedno z) nejtěžší puzzle na světě. Jedná se o kilovou kouli, které má tři otočné kruhy. Také je zde jedno tlačítko na stisknutí (na “vrcholu koule”).

Po delším přemýšlení jsem se rozhodl toto puzzle objednat. Proč?

Začalo to na deskohraní, kde bylo spousta puzzle všeho druhu. Zakoupil jsem si Cast NEWS:


Velmi pěkný hlavolam z dílny CastPuzzle. Obtížnost 6/6 (very hard – další z této kategorie). Cena nebyla nejmenší (300,-) ale za tento kus se mi to chtělo dát. Po 10-15ti minutách bylo řešení na světě a dílky odděleny. Na deskohraní jsem si hrál se spoustou puzzle, ale toto mi dalo více zabrat.

No, a co dál? Jdete si zahrát někam bojovou hru a dostanete šifru. Už od pohledu na notovou osnovu s plnou a prázdnou notu vás napadne, že jde o morseovku. Přesto to několika lidem dělalo značné problémy. Nevím, buď už lidi dnes na hádanky, hlavolamy a šifry nejsou, nebo se sešla prostě taková skupina.

O ISIS jsem z doslechu věděl, ale v ruce jsem jí neměl .. inu, tak jsem si prostě chtěl pořídit to nejtěžší, co může současná doba nabídnout. (O tom, že mám doma Eternity II jsem psal ;))

Trocha kliků na eBay a máme tu ISIS (za to poštovné jsem koupil dvě – klasiku ISIS1 a Eagle ISIS).

Pokud se o nich chcete něco dozvědět, koukněte nejprve na oficiální stránky:

SNV16407Když budete Googlit, dejte si pozor – spoilery – k řešení a odemknutí ISIS vám může pomoci 10 zakódovaných nápověd, o které si můžete napsat. Na internetu je však napsané i řešení těchto nápověd, řešení jak ISIS odemknout i videonávod. Schválně na tyto stránky nechodím a ani (zatím) nechci – chci to zkusit sám, bez podvádění. Buďte tedy opatrní, na jakou stránku klikáte. I ten Cast Kompas má celkem jednoduché řešení, ale bude vás to bavit? .. znát odpověď od gůgla místo z vlastní hlavy?

Okolo ISIS toho můžete najít daleko víc. Je tu ISIS Adventure, pro řešitele jsou tu poklady, ceny, pyramidy .. no však vy si to už najdete, pokud budete mít zájem 😉 A cena na závěr – počítejte s cenou tak 10x vyšší, než u CastPuzzle. Řekněme něco okolo 3.5k.

Obrázky ISISáků jsem z ode mne z dnešního dne. Chcete vidět další?

Diskuze: Máte nějaké těžké puzzle, casta, nebo přímo ISIS? Jak jste to nakonec vyřešili? (sami či s pomocí). Jaké nejtěžší puzzle jste doposud řešili?

Citace z WiKi:

Isis Adventure is a long-term puzzle game presented by Sonicwarp Ltd, a Cheshire based business. The first puzzle of the game has players trying to open "The Isis I" (referred to simply as "The Isis"), a precision engineered anodized aluminium puzzle. The game offered a real-life reward of up to ?1000 (approx. $2,000 or €1,500) to whoever found the associated gold coins. The game began in September 2006, and several gold coins have been won by players throughout the UK.

Isis Adventure

Isis 1 was released 7th July 2006, and the Adventure started 25th September 2006. Claimed as the ‚Worlds Hardest Puzzle‘, it was received into the world with critical acclaim. The Isis I has featured on both TV (on The Jonathon Ross Show on the 29th September 2006 and Dragons Den on the 21st March 2007) and in print media (such as the Chester Chronicle)

With a price of ?109 per Isis, some people regard the puzzle as extremely expensive, and as such Sonicwarp offer free Isis puzzles, by creating a geocaching type event for each puzzle hidden. Early puzzles were regarded as easy compared to the later ones created by ‚KelticFox‘, one of the Isis Adventure moderators.

There is a large user forum in which players can discuss clues, ideas and solutions. The Managering Director of Sonicwwarp Ltd (Andrew Reeves) also frequents the site under the name ‚Puzz‘. A user called ‚KelticFox‘ used to moderate the forum, but left due to unresolvable differences with the company.

‚KelticFox‘ also created a Isis Cypher for Sonicwarp before he/she left. This unfortunately means there is no-one to provide hints and clues with the Cypher, which is proving difficult to solve by the players. There are currently no more cyphers on the website, and members of the Forum are waiting on KelticFox to produce the solution to the last cypher (Cypher III). It is also known that ‚KelticFox‘ used to hide the pyramids and write the clues.


The aim of the Isis 1 is to open a puzzle ball to retrive a key placed inside. This key (not included in every ISIS, some require paying to have it shipped to you) in turn opens the hidden pyramids, where a player can claim either a gold coin – worth normally ?500 or a silver coin worth a ?20 gift voucher. Players must also solve a riddle to get the correct password before being able to collect a prize. In December 2006 the gold coin was worth ?1000 up to 5th January 2007 where it was reduced to ?500 (Sonicwarp called this the ’12 Days of Christmas‘ competition‘).

The Isis 1A, aka "The Puzz Challenge"

The Clue Book

A book was provided with the Isis 1 puzzle. Within this book there were 10 encrypted hints, that would help solve the puzzle ball. All the encrypted hints were a simple substitution cipher.

Isis 1A

On 31st May 2007, there were 12 isis 1As released, limited edition. Each was issued with a unique certificate of authenticity. The Isis 1A is a lot more difficult to open, and there is one prize for the first person who solves the accompanying riddle. This riddle was solved by "lodgecrest" in 2008.

Recently, it has come to light that a 13th Isis 1A exists, although it does not come with a certificate of authenticity. This 13th isis 1a was made available to purchase at a secret pyramid location, for a larger sum of money. All 13 isis 1As have now been opened by their respective owners, according to the official sonicwarp isis adventure forum. Although the pictured isis 1A is green and black, this is not representative of the entire 13, as they all differed in colour, from pink, to silver, to green to black to blue, which made them even more unique. Pictured right – Isis 1A (10 of 12).

Isis 2

The Isis II was released in 2008, and is called the ‚Ramisis‘. Beofre its launch Puzz mentioned on the ISIS Forum: "It will be shaped like a pyramid and the key will be visible". At the Tutankhamun Exhibition for a few days, there was a prototype of the Isis II in a display case.

4 komentřů na“ISIS – nejtěžsí puzzle na světě”

  1. 3.2.2008 – OTEVRENO. Uf. … . konecne 🙂

  2. Katka řekl:


    sháním tento ISIS hlavolam pro přítele, nevíš, kde by se dal sehnat levněji?? Nebo ten svůj bys třeba neprodal??

    Odepiš prosím na


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